About us
Address: Mclean Electrical, Lower road, Hough on the Hill, NG322BB
Mclean electrical systems Ltd, Company number 07990861, Vat No. 935453512
Insurance: NFU £5,00,0000 public liability & product liability & Employers Liability
(ADR) Alternative Disputes Resolution Providers details. 'Hiese Consumer Code'
Complaints Procedure for Mclean Electrical Systems Ltd.
Our Policy:
All our staff are aware of our complaints procedure and know what to do if a complaint is received.
If you have a complaint regarding a member of staff or the products and services we have provided, we want to know about it and will endeavour to resolve as quickly as possible.
We aim to investigate all complaints fairly, efficiently and in a reasonable timeframe. All complaints will be handled in a consistent manner.
Complaints will be treated sensitively, confidentially and in accordance with the HIES Scheme Rules and Code of Practice, which is the Consumer Code we adhere to (You will have received a copy of these with your contract) and in line with GDPR.
We aim to resolve complaints effectively and will ask whether you are satisfied with the resolution and if your complaint was handled fairly and appropriately.
We view complaints as positive feedback and, where appropriate, will act constructively to avoid a recurrence. Complaints are reviewed regularly to identify trends, which we may need to investigate further.
Complaints can be made verbally (by telephone or in person) and by email or letter.
When we receive a complaint the complaint handler, Services Team, will record it in the complaints log.
Your complaint will be delegated to a suitable member of staff for investigation. They will acknowledge in writing within 3 working days of receipt, confirming who they are and when you can expect a further response.
We endeavour to complete investigations and reach a satisfactory resolution within two weeks of receipt. In the unlikely event that the investigation takes longer, we will send you a progress report with an anticipated date for a final response, not more than 2 weeks later.
The final response will contain details of actions taken during the investigation, the findings and resolution.
If at any time you are not satisfied with how we are handling your complaint, you may refer your case to HIES, to request mediation, by telephoning 0330 335 3354 or alternatively, via the HIES website https://www.hiesscheme.org.uk/
If all avenues have been exhausted and you remain unhappy, you can refer your case to The Ombudsman, who is entirely independent.
The implementation of this policy and overall responsibility lies with senior management, who will review on a regular basis and update if necessary.
Adopted on 08/11/2021
Last reviewed 08/11/2023.
How to make a complaint:
Stage 1.
We aim to resolve complaints as quickly as possible and believe that, in most cases, complaints can
be resolved informally. As such please contact us as soon as possible if you have a grievance.
If you contact us by telephone or in person, make a note of the person you have spoken to.
Make a note of any resolution offered immediately and whether you are satisfied with the outcome.
If you are not happy with the resolution offered, you may take the complaint to the formal stage.
Stage 2.
Record your complaint in writing and send to: Our Address shown above.
You will receive an acknowledgment within 3 working days of receipt of your written complaint.
Please include your telephone number and e mail address. We may contact you by telephone to
ensure that we have understood your complaint properly.
Your complaint will be recorded in our complaints’ log and assigned for investigation.
You will receive a detailed response within 14 working days of receipt of your complaint, unless the
investigation takes longer, which may involve a site visit. In which case you will receive a progress
report and an expected date for when you will receive a final reply. This will be no longer than 14
working days later.
Waste Management and recycling: we endeavorer to recycle as much packaging as possible and do not use single use plastic where possible, Our waste if any is disposed of by means of collection by site by registered skip company..
​Trustmark Customer Charter